12 Things That We Do For Fun Can Actually Kill Us

Every day, we do things that seem safe but could harm us in the long run. Whether it's the food we eat, the air we breathe, or our daily habits, these can slowly lead to serious health problems. It’s a bit like realizing that your comfy couch is secretly plotting against you. Knowing about these risks helps us make better choices and stay healthy.

Here are the 12 Things that we do for Fun can actually Kill us:

1. Skiing or Snowboarding Alone

Never ski or snowboard alone, particularly after a heavy snowfall. Stick to designated paths to ensure safety and avoid treacherous areas with trees. In case of an accident, having a companion can be crucial for getting help quickly. 

2. Inhaling of Helium

Breathing isn't triggered by a lack of oxygen but by a surplus of carbon dioxide. If oxygen is replaced with helium, there is no oxygen to convert to carbon dioxide, preventing the breathing response. This can lead to unconsciousness or even death due to lack of oxygen without the body realizing it.

one of Australia's leading science personalities, Dr Karl, nearly suffocated live on TV sucking on a helium balloon.

3. Driving While Tired

Driving while tired can be extremely dangerous. Once, I embarked on a 5-hour road trip with only a few hours of sleep. At one point, I felt like I blinked and woke up 15 miles down the road. To this day, I’m not sure how I survived those 15 miles. Always ensure you are well-rested before driving to avoid such perilous situations.

4. Hands Locked on Stairs

Avoid putting your hands in your pockets while walking on stairs. Keeping your hands free helps you maintain balance and can prevent serious injuries in case you trip or fall.

5. Driving in Floods

The most common cause of drowning during floods is people intentionally driving their cars into water on flooded roads. Always remember, "Turn around, don't drown." Avoid driving through floodwaters to stay safe.

6. Tree Wells in Ski Resorts

Tree wells are dangerous empty areas beneath trees that form after heavy snowfall. Skiers and snowboarders can accidentally fall into these hidden traps, leading to serious injury or even death.

If you survive the initial fall, the loose snow that collapses on you can be life-threatening if you or others cannot help you climb out in time. Always ski with a partner and stay vigilant around trees to avoid these hazards.

7. Mixing two Different Cleaning Products

Combining certain common cleaning chemicals. Bleach is a cleaning supply and Ammonia is also a cleaning supply, But you must never mix these two chemicals, because it can result in a dangerous reaction called the "chlorine gas explosion." This reaction produces deadly chlorine gas and nitrogen gas, which can be explosive. It is absolutely essential to avoid mixing bleach with ammonia or any ammonium compound. 

Basically, don’t mix bleach with anything. Even cat pee. Don’t clean a litter tray with bleach, it contains enough ammonia to react.

What if mixed accidentally?

If this mixture is accidentally formed, immediately evacuate the area and call emergency services.

8. Getting in Your Glove Box

Reaching for your glove box while driving can be dangerous. Shifting your body and center of gravity alters your perception of your car's position, increasing the risk of driving off the road and into a guardrail. Always pull over safely before accessing your glove box to prevent accidents.

9. Avoid Sparks During a Gas Leak

Never turn on lights or appliances when there's a gas leakage. The sparks created by these actions can trigger a dangerous explosion. Instead, evacuate the area immediately and call for professional help from a safe location. 

10. Excessive Salt Consumption

Consuming too much salt in one serving can lead to seizures and potentially induce a coma. Practice moderation in salt intake to avoid serious health complications.

11. Choking in Intimacy

Choking during intimate moments poses serious risks. Even light pressure for more than 4 seconds can lead to permanent brain damage or death. There's no guaranteed "safe" way to choke someone. Remember, once a partner starts to code due to choking, there's no way to revive them, even if it is for pleasure. Always prioritize safety and communication in intimate encounters.

12. Flour Catches Fire

If you throw flour in a room to make a fog and crack a match in it, it will make a huge ball of fire that can lead to an explosion.

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