10 Real Space Photos That Looks Fake

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Here are The 10 Most Unrealistic Pictures of Space:

1. That tiny little dot in front of the sun is Mercury

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Credits: Andrew McCarthy

Mercury zooms around the Sun at distances from 28.6 million miles (46 million km) to 43.4 million miles (69.8 million km), which sounds like a risky game of tag. With a diameter of 3,032 miles (4,879 km), Mercury is just a third the size of Earth, but it’s tiny compared to the Sun's huge 865,000-mile (1.4 million km) size. The Sun takes up over 99% of all the matter in our solar system, making Mercury look like a little marble orbiting a giant beach ball. 

Even so, I think this incredible photo by Andrew McCarthy really puts things into perspective.

2. Red Ribbon Made of Gas

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Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble Heritage Team (STScl/ AURA) Acknowledgment: W. Blair (Johns Hopkins University)

Spotted by @NASAHubble, this delicate red ribbon in space is a remnant of a supernova that humans saw 1,000 years ago from 7,000 light-years away. Named SN 1006, this stellar explosion was observed in 1006 A.D. and was the brightest star ever seen, so bright it was visible during the day!

A supernova marks the explosive death of a white dwarf, the final stage of a Sun-like star. This twisted filament shows where the blast is sweeping through the surrounding gas. The supernova remnant is nearly 60 light-years in diameter and is still expanding at a whopping 6 million miles per hour (about 9.6 million kilometers per hour).

A thin, red ribbon of gas crosses diagonally over the scene.

Details in the trail show the dimension and twisting of the stream of matter. In the background, black space is dotted with yellow stars and galaxies.

3. Phobos orbiting closely above Mars' surface

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Credit: ESA/DLR/FUBerlin/Andrea Luck

Phobos, Mars' tiny moon, orbits very close to the planet's surface, creating a fascinating sight as captured by the Mars Express spacecraft. This proximity makes Phobos one of the closest moons to its planet in our solar system, offering stunning views of its rugged surface and the Martian landscape below.

4. Moon Picture made From Nearly 50,000 images

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Nearly 50,000 images of the night sky were stitched together to create an incredible 81-megapixel image of Tuesday's moon. This stunning composite captures the moon in breathtaking detail, showcasing its craters, valleys, and mountains with remarkable clarity.

5. ISS Spotted From The Earth

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At first Look, you might think it's just another picture of the moon, but take a closer look, and you'll spot something truly extraordinary—the International Space Station crossing in front of the full moon, a fleeting moment that lasted a mere 0.58 seconds. This incredible photograph captures the convergence of two worlds, reminding us of the remarkable achievements of human exploration in space.

6. Most Densely Packed Star Region

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Credits: Idontlikecock

At first glance, it might seem like camera noise, but don't be fooled—this is actually a breathtaking view of the Snake Nebula, one of the most densely packed star regions in the sky! Zoom in, and you'll discover tens of thousands of stars twinkling amidst the cosmic tapestry, creating a mesmerizing sight that highlights the vastness and beauty of our universe.

7. The Clearest Image of Mars ever Taken!

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Credits: EarlyNeedleworker

Behold, the clearest image of Mars ever taken! This remarkable photograph offers an unprecedented view of the Red Planet's surface, capturing its rugged terrain, ancient valleys, and dusty plains with stunning clarity. With each pixel brimming with detail, this image is a testament to the incredible advancements in space imaging technology.

8. Most Detailed Picture of the Sun

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Credits: ajamesmccarthy

The most ridiculously detailed image of the Sun has been captured, resulting in a whopping 140-megapixel photo. It features a solar "tornado" that stands over 14 Earths tall. This is just a crop from the full image, so make sure you zoom in to appreciate the incredible detail!

9. Dying Star Captured

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Credits: Nasa's James Webb Space Telescope

The Needle Galaxy, located nearly 50 million light-years away, has been captured in a stunning image that took 11 hours of exposure time to produce. This detailed photograph reveals the galaxy's elongated structure and intricate details, showcasing the beauty and vastness of our universe.

10. Needle Galaxy

Click to watch the full image:

Credits: chucksastro

The Needle Galaxy, located nearly 50 million light-years away, has been captured in a stunning image that took 11 hours of exposure time to produce. This detailed photograph reveals the galaxy's elongated structure and intricate details, showcasing the beauty and vastness of our universe.

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